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The Plate Grinding Assistant offers autonomous grinding quality and performance in its simplest form. Specially designed for preparing steel plates for welding, this advanced grinding machine will help you face the skilled labor-shortage and boost your productivity. 

No training to operate

Fast payback

Small Footprint

Consistent grinding Quality

Unmatched Quality

Powered by AutonomyOS™, an AI platform for robots, it autonomously performs beveling, chamfering, and brushing tasks with a quality that is second to none. This machine from Omnirobotic can be used by anyone. It’s the simplest autonomous robotic grinding machine on the market, yet it will drastically cut the time, energy, and consumables you spend preparing your plates.


The Plate Grinding Assistant is autonomous. This means you can put any plate anywhere on the table, and it will automatically see, understand the work to be done, and execute it.

Main Features

Six-axis robot arm

Replicates human arm and compensates for variations, ensuring perfect and consistent sanding quality, superior to human results.

Built-in Neural Engine

AutonomyOS™ performs every sanding task autonomously on part without fixtures or additional setup.

Designed to make a difference

it does the heavy lifting to improve the working conditions of the people working alongside it.

Simple, safe, and robust

Anyone can operate it. No specialized staff or training is required. - Small footprint: Make installation easy without stopping your production

Small footprint

Make installation easy without stopping your production

Fast Return on investment

Durable machine built to last with minimal maintenance.

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